Develop A Proposal Without Giving Away All of Your Secrets, & Still Win the Business
Q. How do you develop a proposal and win a client without giving away too much, or saying too much of what you’ll do before they sign with you.
The short answer, have a strong teaser that guides the prospective client to your vision and 'what could be' but keep them guessing at the HOW to make it happen part.
The long of it is more complex and nuanced than that. It's important to first get a sense of the framework of a proposal. It should provide an overview of who you are, what you offer and what differentiates you from others. The proposal should show case studies that showcase you and your results in action. More than that, the proposal needs to provide an insight or make a claim from which to develop a strategy.
For example, your favorite lip gloss brand Is looking to expand. If I were to pitch them, I'd need to find a compelling opportunity for them. Perhaps they're missing a niche multicultural audience to go after. That's the insight. I tell them the size of population they're missing, find data about customer conversation from one brand to another. I paint a story of the opportunity for growth driven by that one segment.
By the end of it, the client has fallen in love with the idea of marketing to a whole new group they've never gone after and they're ready to jump in. The next step is taking that first step with you - creating a plan that is based on tactical execution to make this idea come to life. To make it happen!
So what are you waiting for? Time to give 'em a teaser of what you've got to offer!