Managing Workload: It’s All About the Process
Q. How do you manage workload at a busy agency with plenty of clients?
The short answer, have a process and stick to it each and every day!
The long of it requires us to explore what that process is and how to implement it. As individuals, we can't expect that we'll all fit the same mold and process to manage workloads. This begs the question why does everyone say get your priorities done in the morning first? This assumes your best working hours are in the morning - and maybe they are - but what if they aren't. It further assumes you know what's a priority before coming into work. Often though, priorities pop up overnight or shift and flexibility to adapt is key.
That's why when you ask me about process, I won't tell you what to do, I'll tell you to look for the impact it has!
My process is a three step approach which includes:
1. Morning power hour to plan the day. This includes go through everything in the inbox; address outstanding work, issues and priorities from the previous day; and do a news scan, read important papers and have a general understanding of what the tone of the news day is. This sets the framework for the rest of the day because it gives me flexibility to get work done during that hour if I NEED to, but it also let's me start off my day slowly which suits my personality.
2. Write down the to-do list on good old fashioned paper. I thrive with visual accomplishments and the ability to cross something off my list as I work provides me with the adrenaline I need to feel energized throughout my day.
3. Practicing inbox zero. I know this isn't realistic for all, honestly it's not realistic for me most days but it does give me a goal to work toward. Before I end each day, I make sure to go through all emails and address anything I can get off my plate or flag what needs to be on the list to address the following day. The goal is that I keep my inbox tidy so I can easily scan and know where I need to jump in when I start my power hour each day.
The process that works for me is one segmented by how I approach the day. I have a beginning, middle and end. I allow myself the flexibility to choose when I work on the most important projects but I provide myself with barriers to keep me accountable and on task.
The hope is with a good process, you take the thinking and guess work out of the planning of HOW to work and have more time to dedicate to GETTING the work DONE.
Reach out if you need help establishing your process! Always happy to chat through it.